
We take a Stand Against Racism every day by raising awareness about the impact of institutional and structural racism and by building community among those who work for racial justice.
Stand Against Racism provides the opportunity for communities across the United States to find an issue or cause that inspires them to take a #StandAgainstRacism and to unite their voices to educate, advocate, and promote racial justice.
This year, the annual Stand Against Racism campaign will take place the third week of April. We invite YWCA associations and allied groups to focus their events and organizing on the myriad of racial justice issues that pose barriers to civic engagement for communities of color. Most importantly, we invite you to explore how the tools of civic engagement can advance the work of justice in your community and empower people of color.
We can’t stress enough the importance of civic engagement in racial justice work. Voting rights, census participation, and civic engagement are, and have always been, core components of racial justice. As civil rights continue to be eroded for communities of color, it is more important than ever to support full access and engagement for marginalized communities, especially women and girls of color, in the political process.
Our collective efforts can root out injustice, transform institutions, and create a world that sees women, girls, and people of color the way we do:
Equal. Powerful. Unstoppable.

"As future educators, it will be our duty to treat every student equally and provide them with what they need to be successful learners," ISU College of Education