
IFF Event Planning Guidelines for Community and School Groups
Program possibilities for your Community or School Group
Community fairs, festivals or other activities
Multicultural events of youth clubs ( e.g. Boy/Girl Scouts )
Global Days in Public Libraries
Service Clubs ( e.g. Rotary )
Senior Citizen Centers
Contact the IFF Coordinator to set up a date for the Fair.
Indicate the number of countries you would like to have represented. Please do not specify countries as we do not wish to exclude any interested international students.
The sponsoring community is expected to pay for the mileage to and from the community.
Planning The Day:
Decide on the type of presentations or programs.
Set up a schedule for the event and send a copy to the IFF Coordinator. It is helpful for the presenters to have a schedule before they arrive.
Be sure to allow some break time during the day. Presenters especially would like to join other community activities.
Please include the expected time of arrival to the community and allow 15-30 minutes to set up before presentations.
If it is home stay, please make sure that the host families would like to have international students as guests and arrange some activities to share.
Food (if applicable):
Inform cooks of the number of expected presenters, and others who will be eating.
If possible, arrange for some meatless choices on the menu. Some international students may have religious dietary restrictions. Some may not eat meat or eggs.
Decide when and where presenters will eat. If they eat with the community people, plan so that they eat with groups they have presented to.
Event Preparation:
Assign two or more people to serve as hosts to presenters. They can help carry boxes and equipment, set up display items and accompany the presenters to the presentation site.
If possible, arrange a community activity for IFF volunteers, e.g. tour, farm visit, museum, etc.
Prepare nametags for local people, hosts and presenters. (Please do not fill in presenters’ names until they arrive, as they may prefer an alternate name.)
Site Preparation ( if appropriate ):
Designate a place for each country to be represented.
At the site please provide:
1.A long table for display items
2.A world map
3.A chalk or marker board for presenters to write on
4.A CD/cassette player for music to played on
5.Water available for presenters.
Have a hospitality table available in a convenient place where presenters can take a break and have coffee or tea. Snacks are always appreciated.
Make sure presenters know the locations of the rest rooms they may use during their visit.
Contact local news media for publicity.